Summer Jet-sets
Summer Jet-sets are the perfect way to get away and relax for summer. But traveling far distances doesn’t just give you that feeling of “being away”, it also has physical ramifications. Our bodies have an “internal clock” and we have these things called circadian rhythms that basically tell us when we are tired or want to wake up. They run off a 24 hour day so that is what gives us our regular sleeping pattern. When we travel to different time zones however, this gets disrupted and that is what causes the common condition known as jet-lag.
Jet-lag is real physical condition and it is quite annoying, especially when it interferes with your vacation plans. Jet lag can take days to disband and that can take up your entire get-away, leaving you to feel tired and lethargic your whole trip--not so fun!
Although it cannot be avoided, there are some simple tips that you can use to help make the tired, anxious, and just plain icky feeling controlled so you can enjoy your free time.
Tip 1 Dive in
Now when changing time zones, you are going to get jet lag, so instead of getting frustrated and focusing on what time it should be… dive into the new time zone. Make sure all your clocks/watches are changed to the current zone and try to go to bed and wake up at appropriate times to the new zone. This may be tough, but the sooner you can get your biological clock on tick with the change of time the better. Avoid doing the math in your head to figure out what time it is at home and what time it should be…. It’s not that time anymore for you so get acquainted with the new one.
Tip 2 Keep on Schedule
When on vacation or even a business trip, make sure it is as planned out and organized as possible. Make a schedule and stick to it. Knowing what you are going to do each day will put less stress on you and therefore less stress on your body. It’s simple. If your body is less stressed, it will be less restless at night and you will find it easier to go to sleep. Additionally, if you keep busy thought the day, then you will be more tired at night and hopefully will fall asleep faster.
Tip 3 Pre-game
Now taming jet lag starts as early as say the week before your trip. The best way to keep it minimal is to make sure your body is prepared to best combat the “shock” it is about to receive, so a week or so before you travel take a few precautions. Avoid drinking as best you can, alcohol is a toxin and just another thing that will prevent your body from preforming its best. Make sure you also get a lot of rest, eat healthy, and stay hydrated. This will make sure you are rested before your trip and your body will be well equipped to handle the looming jet-lag.
Vacations are fun, and jet lag is clearly not, but we hope some of these tips can help you to march into that new time zone knowing you are READY to defend your biological clock and tame the beast that is jet lag.

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