Summer Jet-sets
Summer Jet-sets are the perfect way to get away and relax for summer. But traveling far distances doesn’t just give you that feeling of “being away”, it also has physical ramifications. Our bodies have an “internal clock” and we have these things called circadian rhythms that basically tell us when we are tired or want to wake up. They run off a 24 hour day so that is what gives us our regular sleeping pattern. When we travel to different time zones however, this gets disrupted and that is what causes the common condition known as jet-lag.
Jet-lag is real physical condition and it is quite annoying, especially when it interferes with your vacation plans. Jet lag can take days to disband and that can take up your entire get-away, leaving you to feel tired and lethargic your whole trip--not so fun!
Although it cannot be avoided, there are some simple tips that you can use to help make the tired, anxious, and just plain icky feeling controlled so you can enjoy your free time.
Tip 1 Dive in
Now when changing time zones, you are going to get jet lag, so instead of getting frustrated and focusing on what time it should be… dive into the new time zone. Make sure all your clocks/watches are changed to the current zone and try to go to bed and wake up at appropriate times to the new zone. This may be tough, but the sooner you can get your biological clock on tick with the change of time the better. Avoid doing the math in your head to figure out what time it is at home and what time it should be…. It’s not that time anymore for you so get acquainted with the new one.
Tip 2 Keep on Schedule
When on vacation or even a business trip, make sure it is as planned out and organized as possible. Make a schedule and stick to it. Knowing what you are going to do each day will put less stress on you and therefore less stress on your body. It’s simple. If your body is less stressed, it will be less restless at night and you will find it easier to go to sleep. Additionally, if you keep busy thought the day, then you will be more tired at night and hopefully will fall asleep faster.
Tip 3 Pre-game
Now taming jet lag starts as early as say the week before your trip. The best way to keep it minimal is to make sure your body is prepared to best combat the “shock” it is about to receive, so a week or so before you travel take a few precautions. Avoid drinking as best you can, alcohol is a toxin and just another thing that will prevent your body from preforming its best. Make sure you also get a lot of rest, eat healthy, and stay hydrated. This will make sure you are rested before your trip and your body will be well equipped to handle the looming jet-lag.
Vacations are fun, and jet lag is clearly not, but we hope some of these tips can help you to march into that new time zone knowing you are READY to defend your biological clock and tame the beast that is jet lag.

Hostel Sleep
Hostel Sleep
Summer means traveling and for you young (or old) recent grads, you may be thinking about traveling abroad to broaden your horizons and gain a life changing multicultural experience. Well if you are, we approve. Traveling to another country is a very important part of ones life and we fully support it! The thing is, where are you going to stay? Hostels are a cheap and interesting way to get the entire “abroad” experience…but a hostel… really? Don’t you sleep with strangers in the same room?
How on earth will you get sleep while simultaneously worrying about who’s sleeping in the bunk next to you and if they know where your valuables are?Well, we know this concept may seem strange and well, scary, but hostels are a great way to meet new people and sharpen your intercultural competency. On the flip side however, the concept is not one that is widely accepted in America…it just seems weird to us. So, for this reason, we would like to give you some tips for if you plan on staying at a hostel this summer.
Tip 1 Pack accordingly
When you pack your things, keep in mind that hostels are very communal, so anything you don’t want to share, you should bring your own of. Bring your own pillow and maybe some blankets so you feel clean and safe.
Tip 2 Get comfortable
Anxiety from the culture shock and unfamiliarity will cause you to have trouble falling asleep. Losing sleep, along with jet lag, will be a recipe for a not so fun time when you are out sightseeing during the day. To reduce the inevitable anxiety that you will encounter due to being in a new country, and with a bunch of strangers… get familiar with everything. As soon as you get there try to interact with others. Chances are you will find others that speak English and you can easily communicate with them. Also, get familiar with your surroundings and where you are staying. The more you recognize it, the more you will be at ease.
If the hostel doesn’t offer lockers, put your valuables in your bed with you, that way you may feel more at ease and you will therefore get to rest easy at night and get more sleep.
Now remember you are on vacation, so treat it as such! Relax, unwind, and let your troubles disappear. If you let yourself relax then you will sleep better at night and wake up more rested the next morning. We can’t begin to tell you how important a good night’s sleep is… especially when you have a busy sightseeing day ahead of you.
If you are traveling, stay safe and we wish you the balanced rest you deserve!

Snoozing Traveler
Its summer time! You are jetting off to some tropical paradise with the entire family for a well-deserved vacation. Too bad that 14 hour flight means 14 hours of restlessness. When are you going to get some sleep? As you well know, we are deeply concerned with your sleeping pattern, and so we thought we would give you some tips as to how to ACTUALLY sleep on an airplane, as opposed to driving yourself crazy with anxiety and sleeplessness.
Tip 1 Come prepared
Before you even board the plane, make sure you have all the essentials to fly to sleepy town. Pack in a carry on a set of pajamas or sweats, big socks or slippers, and a blanket from home. If you sleep with a mask or stuffed animal, bring that too. Anything that reminds you of your bed and sleeping arrangement at home will help. Also, make sure you buy a travel pillow; they will help you to sleep in the upright position.When you book your flight, if there is assigned seating pick a window seat. If not, try to get on the plane as quick as possible so you can pick your seat. The window seat not only allows you to prop up against the side, but it also sees far less traffic from other people moving around on the plane so you are less likely to be disturbed.
Tip 2 skip the sip
Now most people reach straight for the coffee when they reach the airport. Usually you have to start the day early on travel day and coffee just seems like a given. However, 86ing the coffee will keep you tired from your long day so you are more likely to fall asleep on the plane. Caffeine is a stimulant so it will make it harder for you to fall asleep, even after the initial java jolt wears off.
Tip 3 Don’t be that guy
What most people don’t think about is what happens when they are finally asleep. Since an airplane is very public, you want to make sure you are not doing anything embarrassing like snoring. No one wants to be FINALLY asleep just be woken up by angry or laughing passengers staring at you in annoyance;like this guy:
We recommend bringing an anti-snoring device, like ZQuiet, on your trip. It is not some big bulky machine, it is simply a mouthpiece that fits inside your mouth and places your jaw slightly forward to allow more air to pass through your throat. No snoring means no annoyance and you and your fellow passengers will rest easier
How are you going to get the rare sleep that you are so deprived of?
Now we can’t guarantee you any sleep… I mean this is a newborn were talking about. But even through the unpredictable battle that is your sleeping pattern for the next year, we can offer some tips.
Tip 1 Remember he contributed too…
Now you have a baby….but you didn’t do it alone. There is a certain person that is just responsible for this life, so he should help too. That’s right new dads; it won’t kill you to help your woman out!! Try taking turns every other night or so for nighttime duty. If you are a single mom, this is more difficult, but see if a family member can come over a couple times a week to take this duty. If all that needs to be done is feeding a bottle to him or her at 3 in the morning, someone else is perfectly capable of doing this…so don’t be afraid to ask for help. Now dad can also help by taking the feeding at the end of the night. Go to bed early and have the new father feed the baby next, this way you get a few hours of sleep before your baby needs its next feeding.
Tip 2 Power naps
We understand that the minimal time you get when your child is peacefully asleep is precious, and needs to be used wisely. However, instead of using it to watch your favorite show or catch up with friends, pick a couple to take a quick nap. Now were definitely not saying to completely disregard your real life, but being sleep deprived is not going to make your quality of life better anyways, so you may as well get as many power naps into your day as possible. Try alternating days where you spend breaks sleeping and socializing. You will find it really helps and makes you a lot happier and more relaxed.
Tip 3 “ You and me kid”
Co-sleeping is something that can help you potentially sleep more because you are so close to your baby, that you can comfort them and still rest. You can even breastfeed and then go right back to sleep. The time you spend running to the crib, taking your baby out, rocking him or her, and feeding them really ads up. Co-sleeping is a way to cut down on this moving around and add it to your sleeping opportunity.
Peace. Love. Sleep!!!

To crib sleep or co-sleep…that is the question
Now we know you just want what is best for your child, so when it comes to sleeping arrangements in the first year or so, what do you do? Do you set up a crib in your room or do you let them sleep in bed with you? There are many advantages and disadvantages to both methods, and obviously there are safety issues with both as well, but although safety is important, we are concerned with you and your baby’s quality of sleep as well.
Advantages include:
· -You can breast feed without leaving the bed and stumbling half asleep in the dark
· -You can easily check on your baby without even moving
· -The closeness of you and your baby will not only bond the two of you, but will comfort the baby because of your sent and the feeling of your skin
· Make sure to rid your bed of big blankets and excess pillows. Sheets need to be pulled tight and all blankets need to be away from the baby
· Also, it seems obvious, but do not drink before co-sleeping. Being under the influence of anything, even prescribed medication, will deepen your sleep, but can increase the chances of rolling over on your baby
Advantages include:
· -You don’t have to worry about accidentally rolling over and injuring your baby
· -You can keep your heavy blankets and pillows
· -Some parents sleep better when child is not directly in the bed due to the constant worry of possibly rolling over and checking on the baby
· Make sure bed is clear of any excess material-no blankets or stuffed animals!
· Some argue this decreases the bonding experience that you can get from co-sleeping
The fact is that everyone is different and this debate will go on forever. Both can work, so just chose the one that works best for you and your baby. If your baby sleeps better a certain way, then use that one so you can sleep better too.
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