

It’s the Holidays! And they seemed to sneak up on us like the effects of eating too much Thanksgiving dinner. The Holidays always come and go too fast but there is one thing that happens during these festive times that you wish would go by a lot faster. That is, the inevitable visit of… dun dun dun…In-laws! If you luck out they stay in a hotel but what happens when they want to stay with you?! Whether you are a husband or a wife, the Holidays always seem like the worst time to take in your spouse’s parents, but it is also the time you can never say no. These times are spent running around like a crazy person making sure all the gifts are bought and the food gets prepared. The last thing anyone wants to think about is where their guests are going to sleep. Sure you can put them on the couch, but what if old man in-law has a bad back? Or mommy-in law prefers to sleep in a bed next to her husband? In the endless battle to please everyone, un-needed stress can occur and really put a damper on the holidays. Thankfully for everyone out there, we have some tips for you to use when forced to put up those crazy –in laws of yours.

Tip #1: Kick your kid out!
If you have a kid or teen, make them sleep on the couch. They won’t mind, plus it is a good way for you to get them to clean their room. Just tell them “company is coming and they need to sleep in your room so you have to clean it so it looks nice for grandma and grandpa” My parents used this on me all the time and I was always forced to make my room spotless. Also, the kids won’t mind sleeping on the couch for the night, whereas the in-laws might.

Tip #2: Cozy up a futon
Futons can be purchased for a reasonable price and can actually be a comfortable temporary bed if you give it a little TLC. First, if you need to purchase one, make sure it is made with foam instead of cotton. It is more comfortable for an extended amount of time. Then, put either a mattress pad or inflatable mattress over the futon and use a down comforter to keep them warm. They will make any bed feel more comfortable. Futons may sound out-dated, but they have great potential if you just cozy it up a bit. The unexpected comfort may even be the talk of the holiday dinner. (you never know)

Tip #3: Pull out the pull-out bed
If you would rather use a pull-out bed instead of a futon… great. There are some similar tips you can implement to make sure your in-laws are happy. First, flip the mattress from the last use. When someone sleeps on the mattress in one spot for too long, it creates a section that sinks in. If people have slept in it before, it would definitely be a good idea to give that baby a flip over so it’s almost like new. Another thing to consider is purchasing an air mattress to fit the hide-a-bed "frame".  Then put the air mattress over the current mattress and voila!  You have an even more comfortable nest for the in-laws.  Then, decorate with the softest sheets you have and a cozy, yet elegant down or other thick comforter. Add pillows, blankets, and maybe even a fuzzy stuffed animal to make them think you put extra thought into it. ; )

Tip #4: Sweeten up your guests
Here is one way to really please your holiday guests. Before they come, ask them in regular conversation what their favorite candy is. Get a response from each parent and then go to the store to get each one. When you are putting the bed together, put their favorite candy in a candy dish to put on a table or nightstand next to the bed. It works best if you have one at each end so the guests feel extra special. Put gossip or other female magazines on your partner’s mom’s side and some sports magazines on the dad’s side. They will feel so special and realize that you really are excited that they are there (even if you’re not). That, along with the bed, futon, or your kids room that you spruce up, the in-laws will be very pleased. And we all know happy in-laws mean happy holidays.

Tip #5: YOU RELAX!
We know this time is hard and stressful. But it is also the time to be with family and you should all be able to relax! Don’t take on too much and remember… the guests are only temporary, so have fun with it. Stay up late talking, play games, and make hot chocolate. Remember, now that your in-laws are setup for a nice night of slumber, you’re also setup for a relaxing night of Zzzz’s too. The holiday season only comes once a year so step back, relax, and take it all in.  Just hope your in-laws don't want to sleep in the same bed as you like THIS guy.

What do you do to make your in-laws feel welcome and get a good night's sleep?

Happy Holidays everyone!!


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