
Get your Z's during the holidays

Oh the Holidays! A time of love, family, magic, and honey baked ham. Well, those and the stress of buying presents, making food, running the kids around to their holiday pageants, and basically driving yourself crazy!! When do you sleep? When do you take that “me time” to just put your feet up and catch up on your Zzz’s, without being interrupted by yet another holiday task? The thing is, the holidays are a lot more enjoyable when you are relaxed and rested, so follow these tips to sneak in some quick “me time” here and there. Trust us; the rest of the festive season will be a lot more enjoyable.

Tip #1 The 20-Minute power nap
Amongst your busy and chaotic schedules, try to set about 20 minutes or so a day to take a quick power nap to jump-start your system. Whether it be after work, after shopping, or even after visiting with relatives, come home and sleep for twenty minutes. Set an alarm so you don’t sleep your whole busy day away, but just enough to let your body rest. Once you wake up and continue your day, you will have a lot more energy and be less stressed out.

Tip #2 Take a stroll
If you are having trouble getting your brain to cool down when you finally get to go to bed, try this tip. Before getting ready to hit the sack, grab your spouse, your kids, or a relative and walk around the block. Look at lights, sing carols, or just take in this special alone-time with your loved ones. The fresh air will help clear your mind so you can come back home after a few minutes ready to hit that pillow and drift on into dreamland.

Tip #3 Turn OFF the boob tube
During stressful times, it seems like nothing is more relaxing then coming home to chill-out in front of the TV. HOWEVER, having all that noise and colors constantly blaring before bedtime can actually decrease your chances of slumber. Your brain will most likely keep running and won’t be able to relax right away. We suggest turning off all T.Vs and Computers about an hour or so before bed. This way, your body can calm itself down before you call it a night. A BONUS… you will also save energy during these “wallet thinning” times. : )

Tip #4 Rub a dub dub…DON’T BOTHER ME IN THE TUB!
As the hero of the holidays, you deserve to unwind and indulge yourself this year. At least twice a week take some time before bed and treat yourself to a nice warm bubble bath. Make sure aromatherapy candles are lit, the bubbles are thick - the works! Play your favorite relaxing music and tell yourself all the chaos is worth it. By making time for yourself you will feel good and the ambiance of the bubble bath with transport you to into a sense of Zen and tranquility. This will help you to doze off after your soothing soak and stay asleep longer.

Mediation is not just for yoga enthusiasts! Mediation is also a great way to get to sleep faster, and you don’t have to get yourself into a “downward dog” or sit cross-legged either. Before you turn in for the night, bring in some lavender-smelling soaps or lotions-anything with the lavender sent. Even dryer sheets that smell this way can be placed in your pillow case to help you sleep. Lavender is a natural sleep aid and it helps your body to relax. (Try to avoid candles, only because if you fall asleep before blowing them out then, well you know what could happen.) Well, once you have your aromatherapy, lay down on the bed with the lights and T.V. off. Put on relaxing music at a low volume. Then just lay down in bed as if you were going to sleep. Close your eyes and take several deep breathes until you feel as if you are sinking into the bed. Then, think back to all the good things that happened that day. If it was a bad day, think of the last good thing that happened to you. Replay the memories in your head until you drift off. This will insure that you fall asleep happy which will make for a more positive resurrection and hopefully the start of a wonderful day!

If you use these tips (they can be combined!) your Yule tide season will be spent enjoying yourself and your family, instead of thinking about how tired and stressed you are.

What do you do to unwind from the holiday havoc?

Season’s greetings and happy snoozing!


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