
Are your sleeping habits compatible?

 How compatible are you and your partner's sleeping styles?

We talked about snoring and how it can force perfectly happy couples to sleep in separate bedrooms; but what happens when the problem is not loud body functions but sleeping or behaviorial habits? Couples can be in great love, but it DOES not mean that they share the intimate sleeping habits that are so personal to each individual. Some people like lots of covers, some don’t. Some people like a soft mattress, others don’t. This is just the way it is. These problems can be very stressful and toxic to an otherwise great relationship, but it should not force the pair to sleep in separate rooms! We here at Sleep Tips strongly believe in three values: peace, love, and sleep. We know it is vital in a relationship to stay connected so here are some tips to deal with different sleeping situations that can cause turmoil in a relationship.

Now, if the issue you are facing is the girth of the mattress, then picking the right one that makes the two of you happy can be quite difficult. Ultimately, the right mattress for you can be the difference between a consistent good night’s sleep and restless nights. The resolution to this is quite simple. There are a couple ways to do fix it. Mattress companies make king and queen size mattresses that are especially accommodating to couples and actually have different settings for each side. These can be very pricy however and there is another way to have your desired comfort and maintained connection. By simply putting two mattresses in the same bed frame right next to each other, then it feels like you have your own space and mattress, but you are still very close to your partner.

If your problem isn’t the firmness of the mattress, then you may be sleeping with a cover hog…. Or maybe you are the cover hog? Every relationship has one and there is a very simple remedy. Get a Queen or King sized mattress and sleep normal, just use separate blankets. This way you can each hog all the blanket you please without stealing from your partner. One person can snuggle while the other kicks them off the bed, and there are no more midnight shoving sessions of trying to get back what is rightfully yours!

Now another common sleeping dilemma is when one person is always eating or spilling food or watching TV. This can cause the other individual to loose sleep….or their temper. Neither is good, and the way to avoid this fiasco is the most simple. Are you ready for it…? Don’t eat in your bed, and no TV! If you make your bedtime sacred and treat your bed as a “temple” then you will sleep better as a pair. Make sure you don’t eat in the bed to avoid spills and set a designated time to have the TV off for the night. This way no one is disturbed.

Now sleeping…. And we mean SLEEPING, with another individual is not easy. You may have one of these sleeping blunders or you my have all of them. We hope that these tips can help make segregated sleeping a bit more comfortable and enjoyable.

Peace. Love. Sleep!



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